

Find out more about our Second Edition of Leading Beyond the Ego (published by Routledge 2024)

NEW book available to buy now: Second Edition - Leading Beyond the Ego

It is often said ‘hire for attitude, train for skills’ as a motivated person who is a ‘round peg in a round hole’ will learn new skills very easily.  On the other hand  a fundamental mismatch of ethos and culture will derail a hire or a career that, on paper, looks like a good skills fit for a role.   

It is as important to identify an individual’s development needs during the recruitment process. One can then assess whether the development process for the individual is feasible and a sound return on investment. All new employees have development needs so is it not better to identify them during the recruitment process than get a surprise 6 months down the road?

There is clear emerging evidence that behavioural interviewing and assessment techniques are a more effective method of recruitment, selection and development than traditional ones, with research showing recruitment retention increasing by as much as 40%. LeaderShape has developed an advanced proven process to maximise the value of the people in the organisation. Experience, qualifications and “hard” skills show a “threshold” of competence. These are easily identified at interview.  But excellence at any level requires good motivation, good judgement and appropriate, varying behaviour. In other words good Emotional Intelligence, on top of qualifications.

The LeaderShape process:

  •     We use Emotional Intelligence and other competency sub-sets as a basis for profiling the behavioural and performance needs of the organisation and specific roles.
  •     An advanced behavioural interviewing technique helps select new employees and predict future behaviours and development needs.
  •     We assess the match with the target profile. Generate a Personal Development Plan process that matches development needs to current and future performance expectations.
  •     Train managers to run effective PDP meetings.

LeaderShape's experience suggests better levels of improvement in retention levels.  We further supplement these advanced techniques by using Emotional Intelligence (EI) criteria to create a unique approach to recruitment, selection and employee development.

An ongoing Personal Development Plan dovetails and follows on from the recruitment process and ensures a consistent set of Emotional Intelligence characteristics run through the organisation.  This process creates the optimal culture and conditions for high performance of each and every employee.

Getting the best out of your Human Capital is a leadership priority. The two key elements of this are developing people already in the organisation and recruiting the right candidates who will make a real contribution to the achievement of the organisation’s goals.