

Find out more about our Second Edition of Leading Beyond the Ego (published by Routledge 2024)

NEW book available to buy now: Second Edition - Leading Beyond the Ego

Facilitation of groups and teams is the art of enabling development, learning and performance of a group or team providing shared learning, creating shared ownership and resulting in shared goals.


“Excellent facilitation can develop the capability and performance of members of a group or of a team as a whole at a rate and to a level beyond that which theythought feasible.”

LeaderShape is expert in: 

Facilitating teams and groups 

The benefits of the LeaderShape approach to facilitation using Action Learning Sets are:

  • Ensures everyone participates and is engaged – which creates ownership
  • Enables the reaching of consensus more quickly
  • Accelerates learning by enabling all participants to learn from each other
  • Ownership, consensus and learning generate performance


Our expert facilitators unblock obstacles in boards and teams

FACILITATION IN BOARDS and Senior teams can remove obstacles and material blocks on the pathway towards change.  Relationships can sometimes become mired and those involved can't simply bottom concerns out for themselves; if it was easy, they would have dealt with it without an outside facilitator.

LeaderShape CEO Greg Young says this is where the expertise of LeaderShape's former Chief Executives and Senior Board members provides a vital role. LeaderShape's facilitators also have coach training and can act sensitively and without prejudice.  When a difficult situation resolves, leaders describe realizing a new level of frankness and robustness which is constructive between them and leads to successful outcomes for individuals and their organisations.

He talks about the process and outcomes in this telephone interview:

LeaderShape also develops leaders to become competent facilitators themselves.  Find out more here.