

Find out more about our Second Edition of Leading Beyond the Ego (published by Routledge 2024)

NEW book available to buy now: Second Edition - Leading Beyond the Ego

Application Form

Open Global Program – Transpersonal Leadership Journey


Inaugural Cohort (Discounted): UK £7,000 (ca. US$9,800 / €8,400)

Note - Standard Price: UK £10,000 (ca. US$14,000 / €12,000). Value Added Tax (VAT) to be added for UK clients and where else applicable.

Note: Prices in US$ and Euros € are only indicative and depend on the exchange rate against the UK £ at the time of payment.

Payment terms

An un-refundable deposit of £1,000 (US$1,400 / €1,200) plus VAT where applicable, secures a cohort place. Full payment must be made at least 21 days before the program commences. Payment may be by PayPal, Credit Card or Bank Transfer.

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Your Details:

Details of the organisation paying for this program if not you personally:


We will send an invoice on submission of this form.

Please read through the Terms and Conditions (found here) before signing the form and submitting.


Together with making the down-payment to reserve my place in the Open Global Program I confirm the information I have provided is accurate, that I have read the program brochure and accept the terms and conditions set out in this application form.