

Find out more about our Second Edition of Leading Beyond the Ego (published by Routledge 2024)

NEW book available to buy now: Second Edition - Leading Beyond the Ego

LeaderShape Global Limited is a UK based organisation with a global culture that operates without borders. We exist to develop people around the world who can lead beyond their ego to be radical, ethical and authentic.

 BE REAL: Beyond Ego – Radical, Ethical, Authentic Leadership

LeaderShape works alongside clients to generate sustainable, measured, organisational performance improvement through the development of people who lead beyond their ego to…

  • Embed authentic, ethical behaviours into the DNA of the organisation
  • Build strong, empathic and collaborative relationships within the organisation and with all stakeholders
  • Create a Performance Enhancing Culture that is Ethical, Caring and Sustainable

                                …we call this Transpersonal Leadership


Leaders start the journey with strong business and organisational skills; we call this the first level of REAL, Rational, Ego-based, As Usual Leadership. Whilst the rational thinking characteristics of leadership (vision, direction and strategy) are imperatives to success, they alone are not enough, especially in our new world. Today and tomorrow the emotional and ethical aspects of leadership take on an increasingly important role in the sustainable success of organisations. This is where LeaderShape plays a key role. Our journey of leadership excellence builds to the second level of Robust Emotionally Aware Leadership through developing Emotional Intelligence and performance-enhancing organisational Cultural  development, then continues in a life-long journey towards Radical, Ethical Authentic (Transpersonal) Leadership.

LeaderShape’s Differentiators:

  • Faculty with senior executive experience – connecting strategy with behaviours
  • Thought leaders in leadership, culture and performance
  • Unique suite of advanced diagnostic tools and evidence based research
  • Incorporating the latest research evidence from neuroscience in learning and development

The ultimate benefit of using LeaderShape is:

  • Higher productivity
  • Greater engagement
  • Better retention of talented staff
  • Agility and innovation
  • Deeper trusting relationships with clients, suppliers, colleagues, shareholders and the community
  • High performing, ethical, caring and sustainable organisations     

We work with clients to co-create solutions that become “their” unique way and embedded into “their” culture so they become self-sufficient.