

Find out more about our Second Edition of Leading Beyond the Ego (published by Routledge 2024)

NEW book available to buy now: Second Edition - Leading Beyond the Ego

There are many reasons that organisations may need to reorganize. These can both positive and less positive such as M & A activity, relocation, divestment.

People are invariably affected, whether or not their own role, location and working relationships are directly impacted.  There is always a period of uncertainty, accompanied by an inevitable sense of loss, ‘survivor guilt’ or fear of the future.  Neuroscience explains what is going on as the body goes into ‘flight flight, freeze’ mode.  This is characterized by a notable decrease in creativity, ability to problem solve and consequent reduction in productivity even from those who will be staying with the organisation. 

LeaderShape support programme helps with all the key aspects needed, it can include:-

  1. Coaching on career issues, future choices, (whether employment or self-employment), relocation, CV writing support, networking, getting the best from headhunters or recruiters.
  2. Personal coaching around resilience, adapting to new situations, goals, objectives.
  3. Financial coaching/workshops on the implications of redundancy, setting up a business, taxation.
  4. Culture review and identification of the desired new culture with a pathway to achieve it.

Each programme is custom-designed for the situation and tailored for cost- effectiveness.  It enables a responsible approach to be taken to minimize any negative impact of reorganization on a business and the individuals concerned.