

Find out more about our Second Edition of Leading Beyond the Ego (published by Routledge 2024)

NEW book available to buy now: Second Edition - Leading Beyond the Ego

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The Leadership Challenge CEOs and other Senior Leaders face today

The way the world is turning, it is not only desirable but wholly necessary for leaders to possess good values in full consciousness, manage their ego, improve their judgement, and have the ‘greater good’ at the forefront of their mind. In the future, leaders won’t get the commitment from their people, clients or other stakeholders unless they display these positive traits – we call them Transpersonal Leaders.



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or visit: www.leadershapeglobal.com/OpenGlobalProgramBrochure

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Although our leadership programs are ever-evolving, we have been delivering in-company Transpersonal Leadership programs since 2011, and Emotionally Intelligent Leadership programs since 2005.

We use the latest brain-friendly learning methodologies, and over the last 5 years, our programs have increasingly been delivered remotely, involving online learning. We are now proud to announce our first fully remote Open Global Program, which is available to leaders across the world.

Who is this program for?

This program is designed for leaders who realise that in the 21st century, leadership needs to move beyond command-and-control, move away from hierarchal structures, and put trust into staff by devolving leadership.

To be successful, these leaders accept that environment, diversity, and fairness are vital,
yet without cutting back on the need to increase performance – albeit this may need to be measured in new and emerging ways.

What is different about this program?

This program, based on our Master’s degree accredited program is very different to attending any other kind of advanced management program. It has been designed by leaders, for leaders. The senior leaders who created the course understand exactly what was missing from the industry.

They realised that leaders need to adopt strategies such as increasing self-awareness, changing behaviour patterns, and bringing values to full consciousness while improving judgements. This course is for leaders that wish to improve their decision-making, and want to learn HOW. 

The background to this program

Having its origins dating back to 1998, the program is grounded in evidence-based research and is accredited by the UK CPD Standards Office. The senior business leaders who developed the program were looking to fill the gap to train people to be better leaders – not just better managers.

What they realised was that great leadership is fundamentally about accelerating development as human beings, first and fore mostly, and from there managers are able to build stronger, more-caring relationships with others.

The purpose of the program

The purpose is very much to develop leaders who can excel in the 21st century by playing their part in making the world a better place. These leaders must be agile, robust, emotionally aware, ethical, authentic, and caring, and be able to serve all the stakeholders of their organisation.

The program format

We are pleased to announce that this course will be delivered completely remotely with online learning support. Therefore, it is accessible from anywhere in the world. It is 12 months long, and includes 13 x 3 hour remote cohort sessions, online module pre-learning, and reflection of the acclaimed textbook “Leading Beyond the Ego: How to Become a Transpersonal Leader”.

There are also confidential leading-edge assessments, individual coaching, and workplace practice. The course requires around 10 hours per month of your time, during which you will work in small cohorts of maximum 9 participants. You are expected to communicate with your cohort between meetings. See the below diagram to understand the journey in full:


For more information phone us on +44 (0)7766 473473, email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or, complete the below form and we will be in touch.

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Or, if you are ready to sign up to the program, complete the application form here.

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